Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross


Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross


The congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross was founded by Fr. Theodosius Florentini OFM Cap. and Blessed Mother Maria Theresia Scherer in Switzerland in the year 1856. It is affiliated to the Third order Regular of St.Francis of Assisi and is of pontifical Right.

The foundation took place in Switzerland at a time of upheaval and change. A vast number of people in the industrial nations of Europe had been plunged into poverty and misery with the onset of the industrial revolution in Europe. Orphaned and neglected children roamed the roads or were forced to work in factories in inhuman conditions. The sick had no proper care; industrial workers were exploited; the educational system was badly in need of reform; proper schooling was available only to a privileged section of society.

 In this situation, God called and sent a young Capuchin, Fr. Theodosius, who was gifted with an extraordinary social awareness. It is said of him that “He saw in one hour what most people never see in their lifetime. “He recognized the will of God in the needs of the people of his time and searched tirelessly for means and ways to alleviate their sufferings. Being a son of St. Francis, he was imbued with a profound sense of God’s universal fatherhood, and therefore he saw in every human being under the sun a brother and a sister. He found it intolerable that some of God’s children should live in plenty and wield power over their less privileged brothers and sisters. With boundless confidence in God, He used his creative mind and dynamic personality in his efforts to change the unjust structures of society. He initiated and supervised social welfare schemes, drew up a new ‘School organization” which in the course of time was followed, and even set up “model factories” which gave priority to human and Christian values.

To carry out his plans successfully and to give continuity to his works, he founded a congregation of sisters. What was his original concept and aim in doing this?

“I wanted to organize this congregation in such a way that it fits in everywhere, and is able to integrate itself into any condition and situation.”

 Mother M. Theresa, Co-foundress and the first Superior General, cooperated with the Founder in all his attempts at social reform. Like him she too had boundless trust in God and great courage to take risks. Above all, she was filled with an active love for the poor and suffering. She was the kind of sister the Founder looked for:

“I need sisters who understand the cross; with such I can achieve anything.”


Fr. Theodosius Florentini 

Founder of the Sisters of the Mercy of the Holy Cross. 

Bl. Mother Maria Theresa Scherer

Co - Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross.


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