Life of Bl. Mother Maria Theresa Scherer

 Blessed Mother Maria Theresa Scherer (1825-1888)

Foundress of Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross

A woman lived her present - which has passed to form a future which is now, and tomorrow…

Catherine Scherer was born at Meggen, Canton Luzern, Switzerland on 31st October 1825. Her parents were simple farmers. From early childhood Divine Providence prepared her for her future mission through joyful and painful events. Urged by Christ’s love to serve the young, the sick and the poor, she joined the Congregation of the Holy Cross at the age of 19 years. The young community had just been founded by Fr. Theodosius Florentini OFM Cap. and she was one of the first 5 members. In June 1845 she received the novices’ dress from the hands of the Founder himself and on 27th October of the same year, she took her first vows as Sr. M. Theresa. Then she began her activity as a teacher. In 1852 the Founder called her to Chur where he entrusted her with the administration of his first hospital and with the direction of the novitiate of the Sisters of Mercy. In 1857 she was elected Mother General at Ingenbohl, the motherhouse of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross. She was a woman of deep faith, tremendous courage, daring spirit,
and commitment. She led the congregation in the spirit of the gospel. She remained in office for 31 years until her death. Her motivating words are “Totally dedicated to the Crucified and therefore totally to the neighbor”. Her courage and deep trust in the Lord, in times of turmoil and struggles, were amazing. She walked her way of the cross with fortitude and trust in God. To her sisters, she was a mother and guide, to the poor and afflicted a compassionate helper.

After the Founder’s sudden death it was she who saved the endangered Institute by her undaunted courage and prudent action. She died on 16th June 1888 at Ingenbohl, after a painful illness which she bore with great patience. She was beatified on 29th October 1995 by Pope John Paul II. Inspired by her saintly life, countless people ever since have called upon her with great trust and have experienced encouragement and help in answer to their prayers.


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