
Showing posts from November, 2021

Life of Bl. Mother Maria Theresa Scherer

  Blessed Mother Maria Theresa Scherer (1825-1888) Foundress of Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross A woman lived her present - which has passed to form a future which is now, and tomorrow… Catherine Scherer was born at Meggen, Canton Luzern, Switzerland on 31 st  October 1825. Her parents were simple farmers. From early childhood Divine Providence prepared her for her future mission through joyful and painful events. Urged by Christ’s love to serve the young, the sick and the poor, she joined the Congregation of the Holy Cross at the age of 19 years. The young community had just been founded by Fr. Theodosius Florentini OFM Cap. and she was one of the first 5 members. In June 1845 she received the novices’ dress from the hands of the Founder himself and on 27 th  October of the same year, she took her first vows as Sr. M. Theresa. Then she began her activity as a teacher. In 1852 the Founder called her to Chur where he entrusted her with the administration of his first hospital and wit

Life of the Founder

  Fr. Theodosius Florentini, OFM Cap. Fr. Theodosius Florentini, OFM Cap. (Anton Crispin) was born on May 23rd, 1808 in Munster valley of Canton Graubünden in Switzerland. It was a time of transition from the pre-industrial to the industrial era. There was the religious, socio-political upheaval and decadence with a widening rift between the have’s and have not's. A sense of frustration grew into hopelessness and despair that began to take over much of the human spirit. A feeling of a vanishing future created a kind of dementia of despair. The time needed persons with great stamina and of high intellectual caliber. Fr. Theodosius was determined to face this turbulent time in Switzerland. He began his active life at this time and so committed his best potentialities to this task. He was aware of what was happening. With this awareness, there grew within him freedom and courage to question. We observe in him this questioning mind already while he was in school. At the age of 21, he c

Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross

  Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross History The congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross was founded by Fr. Theodosius Florentini OFM Cap. and Blessed Mother Maria Theresia Scherer in Switzerland in the year 1856. It is affiliated to the Third order Regular of St.Francis of Assisi and is of pontifical Right. The foundation took place in Switzerland at a time of upheaval and change. A vast number of people in the industrial nations of Europe had been plunged into poverty and misery with the onset of the industrial revolution in Europe. Orphaned and neglected children roamed the roads or were forced to work in factories in inhuman conditions. The sick had no proper care; industrial workers were exploited; the educational system was badly in need of reform; proper schooling was available only to a privileged section of society.  In this situation, God called and sent a young Capuchin, Fr. Theodosius, who was gifted with an extraordinary social awareness. It is said of him t